It is the goal of the transportation department to ensure that students are transported safely and in the most efficient manner to and from school each day.
Students who are residents of Great Valley School District are eligible for transportation. The supervision of students between residences and bus stops is the parent’s responsibility.
Students should be at their assigned bus stop ten (10) minutes prior to the scheduled time. If the student is not at the bus stop when the bus arrives, the driver will not wait. Please note that waiting inside the house is not considered being physically at the bus stop.
While we try to minimize the walking distance to the bus stop, Pennsylvania law stipulates that a student may be required to walk up to 1.5 miles (elementary) or 2 miles (secondary) to their assigned bus stop.
Student behavior on the bus is expected to be the same as in the classroom. Please see our rules and regulations for more information.To report behavioral concerns, please contact your building principal.
Useful Transportation-Related Information
- Arriving at the Bus Stop
- Assigned Seating
- Bus Schedules
- Bus Stop Changes
- Child Care Busing
- Digital Recording
- Large Objects on the Bus
- Late Bus Notifications
- Lost Items
- Are You Moving?
- Non-Public Bus Information (Requests/Transfers)
- Riding a Bus Other Than Assigned
- Weather-Related Delays & Closings
Arriving at the Bus Stop
Assigned Seating
Bus Schedules
Bus Stop Changes
Child Care Busing
Digital Recording
Large Objects on the Bus
Late Bus Notifications
Lost Items
Are You Moving?
Non-Public Bus Information (Requests/Transfers)
Riding a Bus Other Than Assigned
Weather-Related Delays & Closings
Carrie Fell, Supervisor
(610) 889-2133
Bus routes, walking routes, bus load counts, questions regarding school district transportation guidelines
Krapf Bus Company
(610) 917-8660, ext. 1
Driver performance, missing students, lost items, bus equipment, a bus that did not show up or is late